Are you ready for a clean energy future? Today, Call GreenHybrid Solar and let our experts hold your hand all the way to the end of the process!"

Small Usage Home


10 - 25 KWh/Day

If you are confusing what appliances can be powered by a 5kW solar system at your home, or if you need anything bigger to satisfy your energy needs, we’re here to help! If you have higher energy needs you may need more than a 5kW solar system which is ideal for small to medium homes. Our experts will guide you through choosing the perfect solar system size, taking your home’s unique electricity consumption into consideration.

Our Installation Plan Includes

*Potential Annual Savings

A 5kW solar power system can generate approximately 6,120 to 7,920 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, depending on factors such as location, sunlight hours, and system efficiency.

This level of energy production can help you save $1,200 to $1,600 per year on your energy bills, based on average electricity rates and usage.

Medium Usage Home


25 - 35 KWh/Day

A 10kW home solar setup will provide sufficient power to run: two ACs, one fridge, four fans, 15 energy-saving lightbulbs and a water pump with ECLIPSE’s solar. By choosing this option, you have that freedom to cater to the energy needs of your home properly. With our expertise, you can be assured that you are getting the right solar plan that suits your lifestyle and power consumption so can maximize your benefit from a solar panel system.

Our Installation Plan Includes

*Potential Annual Savings

A 10kW solar power system can generate approximately 12,240 to 15,840 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, depending on factors such as sunlight hours, system efficiency, and location.

This energy output can lead to estimated savings of $2,400 to $3,200 per year on your electricity bills, based on average electricity rates and usage.

Large Family Home


35 - 45 KWh/Day

A 13.2kW home solar setup will provide sufficient power to run: 3 ACs, one fridge, four fans, 15 energy-saving lightbulbs and a water pump with ECLIPSE’s solar. By choosing this option, you have that freedom to cater to the energy needs of your home properly. With our expertise, you can be assured that you are getting the right solar plan that suits your lifestyle and power consumption so can maximize your benefit from a solar panel system.

Our Installation Plan Includes

*Potential Annual Savings

A 13.2kW solar power system can generate approximately 16,150 to 21,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, depending on factors such as location, system efficiency, and sunlight hours.

This output can result in estimated savings of $3,200 to $4,200 per year on your electricity bills, based on average electricity rates and usage.

High Usage Family Home


+60 KWh/Day

A 17.64kW home solar setup will provide sufficient power to run: 5 ACs, 2 fridge, 10 fans, 20 energy-saving lightbulbs and a water pump with ECLIPSE’s solar. By choosing this option, you have that freedom to cater to the energy needs of your home properly. With our expertise, you can be assured that you are getting the right solar plan that suits your lifestyle and power consumption so can maximize your benefit from a solar panel system.

Our Installation Plan Includes

*Potential Annual Savings

A 17.64kW solar power system can generate approximately 21,500 to 27,900 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, depending on factors such as location, sunlight hours, and system efficiency.

This level of energy production could save you approximately $4,300 to $5,600 per year on your electricity bills, based on average electricity rates and usage.

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